
About Me

I am your normal everyday girl, with a few twists. A hard worker who puts my heart and soul into whatever I put my mind to. Originally from Western New York, I now reside in Austin, TX, which was the best move of my life. I was recently introduced to CrossFit Round Rock, and my life has not been the same since! I have walked through my life with a fake smile on my face, and finally within the last 3 months I can say it is no longer fake. It feels so damn good to be able to say that and not be lying to you or to myself! I am becoming CrossFit Level 1 Certified in order to help others the way CrossFit has helped me. I have a passion for helping others and making a difference in people's lives. I can relate to others because I have "been there, done that" and I know what it's like. I want nothing more than to help others feel the way I finally feel. That is my passion and I feel that is my purpose and I wont stop until I succeed!